healthcare app
develop a healthcare app in UAE

How to build, launch and scale a healthcare app startup in UAE

Introduction of Healthcare app

Healthcare app development is one of the most rewarding niches in the tech ecosystem. These apps are highly lucrative because they capitalize on the growing gap between demand and supply of healthcare services. While some healthcare apps, like telemedicine and diagnosis apps, bridge this gap and increase accessibility of healthcare in remote areas, other apps simply help patients manage the symptoms. If you too are an aspiring entrepreneur planning to tap the health-tech in the Middle East with a mobile app, here is a quick guide covering the cost of healthcare app development, the process to hire the right mobile app development services in Dubai, potential app development ideas and the process of developing and launching the app.

How much does it cost to develop a healthcare app in UAE?

  • Basic healthcare apps like pill reminders and simple calorie counters start from AED 8,000.
  • Advanced, full-scale telemedicine apps and mental health apps start from AED 38,000.
  • AI-based diagnosis apps start from AED 55,000 and can go up to AED 95,000.

We have calculated these estimates based on the average hourly development charges of mobile app development companies in Dubai, that range from AED 65 to 75.

Healthcare App Development Ideas

  1. Telemedicine Platform: Create a platform connecting patients with healthcare providers for virtual consultations and remote medical services.
  2. Medication Reminder App: Develop an app that sends notifications to users to take their medications on time, improving medication adherence.
  3. Symptom Checker and Health Assessment App: Build an app that helps users input symptoms and receive preliminary health assessments or recommendations for further action.
  4. Fitness and Nutrition Tracking App: Design an app that tracks physical activity, diet, and health metrics to promote fitness and healthy lifestyle choices.
  5. Mental Health and Wellness App: Develop an app that provides resources, tools, and support for mental health management, including stress relief techniques and therapy options.
  6. Chronic Disease Management App: Create an app that Aids users in managing chronic Situations such as diabetes, hypertension, or asthma through tracking, monitoring, and educational Supplies.
  7. Health Records and Medical History App: Build an app that enables users to store and access their medical records, test results, and treatment history securely in one place.
  8. Women’s Health and Pregnancy App: Develop an app with personalized health insights, menstrual cycle tracking, pregnancy monitoring, and prenatal care resources for women.
  9. Remote Patient Monitoring App: Create an app that Assists healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients Critical signs, symptoms, and health data for early Discovery and intervention.
  10. Emergency Response and First Aid App: Design an app that provides contact details, instructions, and resources for emergency situations, including CPR instructions and nearby medical facilities

Build a healthcare app in 5 Steps

If you are sold on one of the healthcare development ideas in the previous section, or have an epic product idea already, here is how to proceed with developing it:


All product development processes should ideally start with thorough market research – so you don’t spend time, money and energy into building a product yours users won’t love – or worst, with no demand.

If you are performing this discovery step yourself, you can cover market research in three aspects

Industry demand analysis

This analysis will guide you about the gaps and problems in the industry you have targeted – healthcare for your case. Start with understanding the pain points of users undergoing healthcare and fitness-related challenges – for example time management, disease management, stress management – and then look for pressing problems that you can solve.

You can also reverse engineer if you already have a healthcare challenge you can solve for your users. Start with problem, then find a target audience and think about what features you can offer to simplify their user journey.

Then go to Google Play, App Store and community forums like Facebook groups, LinkedIn and Reddit to find if similar solutions exist. If yes, you have a guiding point for next aspect – if no, choose other healthcare apps to seek inspiration from.

By this step, you should be at least 60% confident that your epic healthcare app idea has demand.

Competitor analysis

In this step, you either find out where to seek inspiration for design and development from – or you create a strong competitor profile to outrun them with your app!

Start with identifying competitors. Find apps that target the same audience, Provide Related features, or compete in the same app store category. Then take notes on their features, pricing, user interface and overall user experience. Pay attention to strengths, weaknesses and unique elements. Also check app store listings, reviews and websites of your competitors. Analyze their marketing strategies, pricing models and any user feedback they receive.


Based on the competitor analysis and market research, decide if you wish to launch a native app, cross-platform app or MVP versions of these. Draw rough wireframes, then make app screens for each feature.


Ask are mobile app development company uae team to start coding the frontend of the healthcare app. Front-end is the user side – the face of the app.

Once the front-end for all features is done, ask the backend developers in your team to code the server-side of the app. This part of the app is the skeleton and works with feature responses, data storage and exchanges etc.


After completing the frontend and backend of the healthcare app, test the app for functionality, performance, security and devices.

In functionality, check each feature, microinteraction, navigation and CTAs. Additionally, performance, check the loading speed and time, app crashes and other bugs.

In device testing, check if your app performs well on diverse devices, operating systems and their versions. See if your healthcare app is accessible and adjusts on the screen sizes of the decided platforms seamlessly.

Additionally, In securing testing, you have to ensure your healthcare app doesn’t leak data, keeps users’ information private and is not vulnerable to security and hacking threats.


Once you have battle-tested the healthcare app, create a launching strategy with app store optimization best practices. Create a website landing page that brings your visitors to your app store listing. Then write keyword-specific content for the app store listing description. After that, take visually appealing screenshots of the app that show a preview of different features of your app. Submit to leading stores and wait for approval.

Wrapping up – maintenance and scaling your healthcare app

Publishing the app on both of the leading stores is a stage – and for a health-tech startup to run and grow smoothly, you have to follow a cyclical process of maintenance, marketing and scaling.

To manage your startup, regularly address bugs, update content and enhance security features to keep your users engaged and protected. Proactive maintenance builds trust and sets the stage for marketing and promotions. Craft targeted marketing campaigns that reach your ideal audience, highlight your app’s unique value proposition and drive downloads. With time, be prepared to adapt your infrastructure, optimize performance and potentially even consider additional features to accommodate a larger audience.


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